The phone is undoubtedly an extremely powerful handset, but one of the main weaknesses of modern devices is the lack of battery life, and any phone is no exception.
First we should understand the scenarios in which you would need to extend your battery life. They would be:
1. General day to day use.
2. Your battery life is hovering around 30-40% and you aren’t sure if your phone is going to make it till the next charge.
3. You’re in a situation where you absolutely must have your phone alive, but there is minimal battery power left, probably 1-20%.
As you can see, those are entirely different situations, so it only makes sense that you take different measures depending on the severity of the situation.
Turn off background app refresh
Turning it off will help preserve battery power, but you’ll go back to having to wait a few seconds for your app to refresh its content when you first open it.
Pay attention to location services
Location services enable apps to know where you are. Sometimes there are apps that track your location too often, draining your battery.
Turn off push notifications
Push notifications by itself seems pretty harmless, but it’s worth noting that every time that your phone receives a notification, the display will turn on. So turn off notifications for apps. Pay attention if your phone gets too warm. Heat is always an enemy to your battery life, so try to keep your phone out of the sun, which usually happens when left on the dashboard of your car.
Aside from that, heat can also be a good indicator that your phone is overworking itself. If your phone is just in your pocket and it starts to get warm, it’s best to check if there is a battery intensive app that is actively running and consuming battery power.
Turn off location services
Turn it off and don’t use your GPS services. You’re in a situation where you absolutely must have your phone alive, but there is minimal battery power left, probably 1-10%.
Hopefully this guide will help you enjoy your phone for longer periods of time.